IIEEE 1872-2015 pdf free.IEEE Standard Ontologies for Robotics and Automation.
artificial system: An artifact (Artifact in SUMO) formed by various interacting devices (Device in SUMO) and other objects (Object in SIJMO) in order to execute a function.
automated robot: A rolc for a robot pertbrming a given task in which the robot acts as an automaton, not adapting to changes in the environment andior following scripted plans. Contrast: fully autonomous robot: remote-controlled robot: semi-autonomous robot: telcoperated robot.
colleethe robotic system: A robotic system having a robot group as part. Sec also: robot group: robotic syslem contrast single robotic system.
coordinate systeni: An abstract entity (Abstract in SUMO) used for specifying location and orientation that is defined in relation to a single reference object (Object in SUMO). Coordinate systems are related through hierarchies (i.e., trees). For instance, the local coordinate system of a robot is referenced by thc robot itself. The reference object is not necessarily the origin of the coordinate system. A coordinate system defines at least one dimension in which points get thcir coordinate values. Points in a given coordinatc system can be mapped to other coordinate systems by means of a transformation .See also: global coordinate system: local coordinate system: transformation.
design: A proposition (Proposition in SUMO) that abstracts the structure of one or more artifiicts (Artitiict in SUMO). A design is used to abstract information in contexts such as industrial robotics. A design is different from a blueprint: a blueprint represents a particular design.
fully autonomous robot: A role for a robot performing a given task in which the robot solves the task without human intervention while adapting to operational and environmental conditions, contrast:
automated robot: remote-controlled robot: senti-autonoitious robot. telcoperated robot,
global coordinate system: An arbitrary coordinate system chosen by an agent as the global reference frame that constitutes the global coordinate system for that agent. In a hierarchy of local coordinate systems. the global coordinate system is the root of a tree of local coordinate systems. See also: coordinate system, contrast local coordinate system.
interaction; A process (Process in SUMO) in which two agents participate (Agent in SUMO). It is composed by two subproccsscs defining action and reaction. The action subprocess initiated by agent X on a patient agent Y causes a reaction subproccss having Y as agent and X as patient.
local coordinate system: A coordinate system bounded to a hierarchical strucwre of coordinate systems and that is not at the root of the structure. See also: coordinate system. Coiurast: global coordinate system.IIEEE 1872 pdf download.
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