IEEE C57.13.3-2014 pdf free.IEEE Guide for Grounding of Instrument Transformer Secondary Circuits and Cases.
The practices dcscribed in this guide apply to all instrument transformers (ITs), including voltage transformers (VTs), capacitive voltage transformers (C’VTs). resistive voltage transformers (RVTs). current transformcrs (CTs). lincar couplcrs (LCs), and combincd mctcring units (MUs), irrcspcctivc of primary voltage or whether the primary windings are connected to, or are in, power circuits or arc connected in the secondary circuits of other transformers as auxiliary CTs or VTs. For the purpose of this document. CVTs. RVTs. and VTs will be rcfcrrcd to as VTs.
This guide does not discuss the grounding of some applications. For example. grounding of gas insulated substations and metal clad switchgear is not discussed in this guide: the reader will find these topics addressed in IEEE Std 242TM.’ The grounding of circuits of core-balance CTs is also not discussed in this guide. The reader can also find this information in IEEE Std 242. Another issue that is not discussed in this guide is the practice of using separate safety and control grounds. For discussion on this topic, the reader is directed to IEEE Std 665T.
This guide contains general and specific recommendations for grounding current and voltage transformer secondary circuits and cases of connected equipment. The practices recommended apply to all transtrmers of this iypc. including capacitivc voltagc translormcrs and lincar couplcrs. irrcspcctivc of primary voltage or whether the primary windings are connected to. or are in. power circuits or are connected in the secondary circuits of other transformers as auxiliary current transformers or voltage translörmers, Although most diagrams included in this guidc show rclaying applications, the reconimcndcd practices apply equally to metering and other areas where instrument translbrmers are used.
Exceptions to grounding are permissible or sometimes required where advantages Obtained by not grounding, in certain instances or in certain types of installations, arc considered to outweigh the advantages obtained by grounding.
The scope of the guide includes grounding practices presently used and practices thai were not previously reported. Specifically, a review of other than North American grounding practices is included.
This guide provides information on the grounding of the following:
— Secondary circuits of electromagnetic CT and VT circuits
— Cases of relays, CTs, and VTs
Secondary circuits of optoelectronic CTs and VTs
The primary emphases of this guide arc personnel safety and proper performance of relays at electric power frequencies.
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e.. they must be understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this documen is explained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.IEEE C57.13.3 pdf download.
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