IEC 62957-1-2017 pdf free.Radiation protection instrumentation – Semi – empirical method for performance evaluation of detection and radionuclide identification – Part 1: Performance evaluation of the instruments, featuring radionuclide identification in static mode.
This part of lEG 62957 specifies requirements for data preparation and data injection when using the semi-empirical method for performance evaluation of detection and radionuclide identification. This document recommends approaches for results interpretation and consolidation and establishes a method to share data and analysis results.
This part I of the standard is specific to the performance evaluation of radionuclide identification in static mode. i.e. when measurement geometry does not change (e.g. radionuclide identification devices in start-stop mode).
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC 60050-395:2014, international Electrotechnical Vocabulary (1EV) — Part 395: Nuclear instrumentation: Physical phenomena, basic concepts, instruments, systems, equipment and detectors.
IEC 62755:2012, Radiation protection instrumentation — Data format for radiation instruments used in the detection of illicit trafficking of radioactive materials.ISO 8601 :2004, Date and time format.
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
3.1 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in lEG 60050-395 apply, as well as the following.
ISO and lEG maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
• IEC Electropedia: available at http://wwwelectropediaorg/
• ISO Online browsing platform: available at
3.1.1 acceptable response table list of expected radionuclide identification result(s) reported by the instrument or its replay software.
The base spectra, base material composition table, distortion model and replay software shall meet the requirements of this document. The manufacturer shall provide the full list of all possible messages (e.g. identification results) which might appear as the results of radionuclide identification along with a detailed explanation of the meaning of each message. This will enable interpretation of the identification results. One or more instruments shall be used for experimental validation of the semi-empirical performance evaluation results.
A detailed description of the process and relevant requirements are given in the following clauses.
NOTE This method does not account for pileup or increased dead time due to high count rates.
5 Base material characterization and acquisition of input data
5.1 General The semi-empirical performance evaluation method initially requires base material characterization and input data acquisition. Input data consists of raw spectra and static efficiencies for the instrument(s) under evaluation.
5.2 Base material characterization requirements
All base materials shall be characterized with a high-resolution gamma spectrometer to assess their radionuclide composition. Characterization spectra shall be formatted according to IEC 62755 and provided by the manufacturer, or organization owning the base material, along with the date on which the spectrum was taken. Care should be taken that the base materials do not show significant impurities. If the base material has impurities that can be identified by the instrument, then those radionuclides might appear in the replay software or instrument identification results, and shall be accounted for in the base materials list. Information on sources used should be provided and distributed with the corresponding base spectra. This will include relevant information such as mass, shape, density and chemical composition (e.g. metal or oxide).IEC 62957-1 pdf download.