IEC 60352-3:2020 pdf free.Solderless connections – Accessible insulation displacement (ID) connections – General requirements, test methods and practical guidance.
The object of this test is to determine the transverse extraction force of an accessibleIDconnection, i.e. the force necessary to move the wire within the connection slot of an ac-cessible lD termination along the longitudinal axis of the termination and to compare this forcewith a minimum value provided in Table 1.
The test specimen shall consist of an accessible lD termination with one inserted wire. lf nec-essary, the termination may be separated from the component, provided the lD connection isnot affected.The accessible lD termination shall be securely held.
A force F shall be applied to the inserted wire so as to move the wire in the longitudinal axisof the connection siot of the accessible ID termination. The force shall be applied using asuitable device, for example,a test fork.An example of a suitable test arrangement is shownin Figure 5.The total clearance between the accessible ID termination and the test fork shallnot exceed 50 % of the wire diameter. The force shall be applied by a suitable means,forexample, a tensile testing machine.The head of the tensile testing machine shall travel stead-ily at a speed of between 25 mm/min and 50 mm/min.
To assess suitability of the accessible ID termination, the value of force F to apply and keepfor 60 s without movement of the wire in the termination shall be as in Table 1.
To evaluate the transverse extraction force of an accessible lD termination, the value offorce F to apply will be initially suitably low,applied and kept stable for 60 s, then increasedprogressively,each time kept for 60 s, until the ultimate load that the accessibleiDtermination under test is able to keep without movement in the connection slot of the ac-cessible ID termination is identified.
The specimen shall be tested until the wire moves in the connection slot of the accessiblelDtermination.The ultimate load shall be measured.
The object of this test is to assess the ability of an accessible lD connection to withstand themechanical stress caused by bending the connected wire in a specified manner.
The test specimen shall consist of one accessible lD termination with one inserted wire (seeFigure 6).IEC 60352-3 pdf download.
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