IEC 60384-13:2020 pdf free.Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment – Sectional specification -Fixed polypropylene film dielectric metal foi lDC capacitors.
Detail specifications shall be derived from the blank detail specification.
Detail specifications shall not specify requirements inferior to those of the generic, sectionalor blank detail specification. When more severe requirements are included, they shall belisted in 1.9 of the detail specification and indicated in the test schedules, for example by anasterisk.
The information given in 7.2 may, for convenience, be presented in tabular form.
The information in 7.2 to 7.5 shall be given in each detail specification and the values quotedshall preferably be selected from those given in the appropriate clause of this sectionalspecification.
7.2Outline drawing and dimensions
There shall be an illustration of the capacitor as an aid to easy recognition and for comparisonof the capacitor with others.
Dimensions and their associated tolerances,which affect interchangeability and mounting,shall be given in the detail specification. All dimensions shall preferably be stated inmillimetres.However, when the original dimensions are given in inches, the converted metricdimensions in millimetres shall be added.
Normally, the numerical values shall be given for the length of the body, the width and heightof the body and the wire spacing,or for cylindrical types,the body diameter, and the lengthand diameter of the terminations. When necessary,for example when a number of items(capacitance values/voltage ranges) are covered by a detail specification, the dimensions andtheir associated tolerances shall be placed in a table below the drawing.
When the configuration is other than described above, the detail specification shall state suchdimensional information as will adequately describe the capacitor. When the capacitor is notdesigned for use on printed boards, this shall be clearly stated in the detail specification.
The detail specification shall specify the method of mounting to be applied for normal use andfor the application of the vibration and the bump or shock tests. The design of the capacitormay be such that special mounting fixtures are required in its use. In this case,the detailspecification shall describe the mounting fixtures and they shall be used in the application ofthe vibration and bump or shock tests.IEC 60384-13 pdf download.
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