IEC 60879-2019 pdf free.Comfort fans and regulators for household and similar purposes -Methods for measuring performance.
5.1.4Running-in of the fan
Prior to starting the tests on a new fan,it shall run at its maximum airflow setting withunrestricted air flow and with the oscillating mechanisms and moving louvres,if any,inoperation for at least 1 hour to ensure adequate running-in. Any other functions such asluminaires,purifiers,humidifiers, heaters, if any, shall be connected.
5.1.5operation of the fan
Before starting the tests,the fan and its attachments are adjusted in accordance with themanufacturer’s instructions for normal operation. Any controls shall be set for maximumcontinuous air flow unless the manufacturer’s instruction states otherwise.Any other functionssuch as luminaires, purifiers, humidifiers,heaters, if any, shall be turned off.
5.1.6Conditioning prior to each test
Prior to starting each test, the fan shall be conditioned for 30 min under the provisions givenin 5.1.4 but with oscillating mechanisms and moving louvres, if any, not in operation.
5.2Testing of air performance
5.2.1 Ceiling fans chamber
The fan shall be tested in a test chamber having the following dimensions: length 4 500 mm,width 4 500 mm, height 3 000 mm (see Figure 1 and Figure 2).
The above dimensions shall have a tolerance of ± 15 mm.
The top of the test chamber shall be covered by the clapboard,except for a centrally situatedcircular opening (top-opening),the diameter'(D) of the top opening shall be between1,1 and 1,2 times the blade’s sweep.The top clapboard in which the top opening is locatedshall be not more than 6 mm thick.The bottom of the test chamber is 450 mm from the leave a suitable space for air outlet.
Readings shall be taken from a position between the chamber and the outer screen,and a small shelf for electrical instruments may be provided in this space. Except for these,thespace between the test chamber and the outer screen and the space inside the test chambershall be clear of all obstructions, and any conditioning apparatus (including heating or cooling)shall have no influence on the movement of air in the test room while the test is in progress.The room in which the test chamber and the outer screen are erected shall be suitablyprotected against extraneous draughts.
Any ceiling external to the test chamber or any projecting beam which might interfere with theair flow shall be not less than 1 000 mm above the top opening, i.e. not less than 4 000 mmfrom the ground level at this point.
The distances between the walls of the chamber and the walls of the outer screenshall be 1 000 mm to 1 250 mm.
The fan shall be placed at such a height that the plane of the fan blades is 3 000 mm ± 10 mmfrom the ground level and lies in the plane of the top edge of the clapboard containing the topopening in the roof of the test chamber. instrument
The air movement shall be measured by means of vane anemometers having an internaldiameter not exceeding 100 mm.IEC 60879 pdf download.