IEC 60904-3-2019 pdf free.Photovoltaic devices – Part 3: Measurement principles for terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) solar devices with reference spectral irradiance data.
In current practice the photovoltaic performance of a solar cell or module is determined byexposing it at a known temperature to stable sunlight, natural or simulated, and measuring itscurrent-voltage (I-V) characteristic curve while measuring the magnitude of both the incidentirradiance and the PV device temperature. Detailed l-V curve measurement procedures areincluded in lEC 60904-1.The measured performances can then be corrected to standard testconditions (STC) or other desired conditions of irradiance and temperature according toIEC 60891.The corrected power output at the maximum power voltage and STC is commonlyreferred to as the rated power.
Incident irradiance can be measured by means of a PV reference device (whose spectralresponsivity shall be known) or,if measuring under natural sunlight, by means of athermopile-type irradiance detector (pyranometer). lf a PV reference device is used, it shallsatisfy the requirements specified in IEC 60904-2. Temperature determination of the Pvdevice under test shall be made according to lEC 60904-1 or lEC 60904-5.
Since a solar cell has a wavelength-dependent responsivity,its performance is significantlyaffected by the spectral distribution of the incident radiation,which in natural sunlight varieswith factors such as location, weather,time of year, time of day, orientation of the receivingsurface,etc.,and with a simulator varies with its type and conditions of use according toIEC 60904-9.Regardless of whether the irradiance is measured with either a thermopile-typeradiometer (that is not spectrally selective) or with a reference solar device,the spectralirradiance distribution of the incoming light shall be known in order to use lEC 60904-7 tocalculate the spectral mismatch between the measured performance and the predictedperformance under the global or direct reference solar spectral distribution defined in thisdocument. When performing measurements according to the standard test conditions,thespectral mismatch between the PV device under test and the thermopile is usually muchlarger than the spectral mismatch between the PV reference device and the PV device undertest.
When the spectral responsivity of the PV device is known as determined according toIEC 60904-8,it is also possible to use lEC 60904-7 to compute the performance of that Pvdevice when exposed to light of any known spectral irradiance distribution.
Data contained in Table 1 have been generated using the solar spectral model SMARTS,Version 2.9.2.A general description of this model and its suitability to reproduce actual solarspectral irradiance distributions can be found in“Proposed Reference lrradiance Spectra forSolar Energy Systems Testing””by C.A. Gueymard,C. Myers and K. Emery’1, and in thereferences therein.Table 1 can be obtained using the data contained in Annex A as an inputto the model SMARTS Version 2.9.2.The resulting output spectral irradiance values have tobe multiplied by a normalization factor (0,997 1) in order to get an integrated irradiance of1000 w-m-2 in the wavelength range 0 to infinity for the global irradiance.This same scalingfactor is applied to the direct spectrum giving an integrated irradiance of 900 wm-2 in thewavelength range 0 to infinity.
At the time of publication of this document the SMARTS Version 2.9.2 spectral model code isavailable, free ofcharge, subject to the author’s license agreement, athttp:/ A copy of the model,not for distribution purposes, is keptunder lEC TC 82 control.
The contents of Table 1 are included in an attached file in the form of an Excel spreadsheet.IEC 60904-3 pdf download.