IEC TR 63194-2019 pdf free.Guidance on colour coding of optical fibre cables.
Note that lEC 60304 defines the 12 colours for fibre identification, but does not specify whichcolour is for which fibre number.Also note that lEC 60794-3-11:2010 [7],, lists the 12colours, but specifically leaves the coding to being “as agreed”.
The only definition of a colour code in the IEC 60794 system to date appears inIEC 60794-2:2017,5.13. IEC 60794-2:2002, and earlier,contained a colour code for fibreidentification;edition 4.0 (2017) does not contain that code.That code has been anecdotallydescribed as having been “made up” to specifically not conform to any existing code, in hopesthat it might become an agreed default. That agreement never occurred,therefore,it wasdropped from edition 4.0. The stated colour codes stated in lEC 60794-2:2017[6] are for fibre,buffered fibre, ribbons, unit, ruggedized fibre elements and jacket colours, based on fibre type.
The current work to restructure the IEC 60794-1 series – especially the revision ofIEC 60794-1-1 – would suggest that the colour code should be a basic criterion addressed in thegeneral specification.
Contemporary proposals with regards to the latest edition of lEC 60794-1-1 seek to move thesecriteria to lEc 60794-1-1 [4] and to this document, presuming some future revision of lEC 60794-2:2017.They present the necessary changes to lEc 60794-1-1 to standardize the “as agreed”approach and refer to this document for details. In view of current and future revisions, it may bethat lEC 60794-1-1 will be normative regarding these requirements.
In addition, a jacket, sub-cable jackets, tube, or buffer colour may be used to identify the type offibre within the cable.This type of coding may or may not conflict with the unique identificationrationale of the coding scheme, depending on the cable type.
The intent of fibre colour coding is to uniquely identify each fibre in a cable.Schemes meetingthis intent require either positive identification (such as a colour) or default identification (such aspositional coding).
Fibre colours are generally defined by up to 12 colours, as per lEC 60304.Beyond 12 colours,schemes such as dashes,hachures,or multi-colours have been used.For special applications,such as hermetically-sealed fibres,additional colours have been used.Subclause 5.3 proposescolours 13 through 16, based on these applications.
Fibre coding schemes for cables with larger numbers of fibres will frequently require similaridentification of the units in order to achieve unique fibre-level identification. Unit coding isaddressed in Clause 6.IEC TR 63194 pdf download.