IEC TS 62994-2019 pdf free.Photovoltaic (PV) modules through the life cycle – Environmental health and safety (EH&S) risk assessment – General principles and nomenclature.
Although PV technology has environmental advantages over conventional energytechnologies, the PV industry also uses hazardous materials.Substances that are the subjectof EH&s risk assessment for the PV include flammable,explosive,corrosive,or toxicmaterials used in PV industry. Understanding environmental health and safety impacts duringthe routine product life cycle and prevention of accidental release of hazardous substancesduring non-routine events and reduction of adverse effects are very important for thesustainability of PV modules.EH&S risk assessment of PV focuses on the emissions of suchsubstances during the life cycle of PV (usually by the LCA) to characterize environmentalhealth and safety impacts. EH&s risk assessment for PV also includes consideration ofadverse health or environmental effects resulting from exposures to hazardous agents orsituations (by the Environmental Health & Risk Assessment;EHRA).
These fundamentals describe the basis for the subsequent requirements in this document.The quantification and reporting of an LCA in accordance with this document are based on theprinciples of the LCA methodology provided in lSO 14040 and lSO 14044.
The development of LCA quantification and communication takes into consideration all stagesof the life cycle of PV electricity production, including raw material acquisition, production, useand the end of life stage.
When applying the four phases of LCA(goal and scope definition, life cycle inventory analysis,life cycle impact assessment and interpretation,see 4.2.3 to 4.2.5) to a LCA study,use aniterative approach (continuous reassessment as needed when refining the LCA study).Theiterative approach will contribute to the consistency of the LCA study and the reported results.
When making decisions within a LCA, give preference to natural science (such as physics,chemistry, biology). lf that is impossible,use other scientific approaches (such as social andeconomic sciences) or refer to approaches contained in conventions relevant and valid withinthe geographical scope valid for the LCA study.Permit decisions within a LCA based on valuechoices, as appropriate, only if neither a natural scientific basis exists nor a justification basedon other scientific approaches or international conventions is possible,and explain therationale for such value choices.
Select data and methods appropriate to the assessment of the emissions and resourceconsumptions arising from the product system being studied.
Include all emissions and resource consumptions,unit processes and life cycle stages thatprovide a significant contribution to the environmental impacts of the product system beingstudied.
Apply assumptions,methods and data in the same way throughout the LCA study to arrive atconclusions in accordance with the goal and scope definition.IEC TS 62994 pdf download.
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